In His Time
A cowboy's rope is an essential tool, a major part of his daily life. Cowboys fully understand its importance. Tim Malm understood, and he knew how to skillfully use his rope. While that skill has temporarily been taken from him due to a tragic accident, those who know him and his God believe Tim will rope again one day.
Fred G. a fellow cowboy, of Christian Cowboy Ministries, said it well: "You will never know how proud and humble I am to have you as a saddle pard for the Lord Jesus Christ. God picked a top hand when he chose you to deliver his word. You don't have the strength to rope yet but I'll tell you pard, you sure have the strength to give a gospel message. The calf ropin' will come; in the meantime the soul ropin' you're doin' makes you a champion" Tim's story, In His Time, takes the reader on the journey from the day of his accident to his present rehabilitation.
It is a story of courage, strength, and endurance. As we travel on this journey with Tim and his family, we truly see what faith in God can do.